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2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'devry institute technology'|Flashback Friday: My Dad, In Golden Oldies

About 'devry institute technology'|Flashback Friday: My Dad, In Golden Oldies

Are               you               looking               for               a               job               in               Atlanta?

In               addition               to               an               internet               job               search,               attending               a               job               fair               is               great               way               to               get               your               resume               in               front               of               recruiters               and               prospective               employers.

Before               attending               any               job               fair,               make               sure               to               bring               plenty               of               resumes,               dress               professionally               and               be               sure               to               arrive               a               few               minutes               before               the               job               fair               begins.
               The               following               article               discusses               four               different               Atlanta               job               fairs               taking               place               during               2011:
               Atlanta               Job               Fair               
               When:               Thursday,               February               3,               2011               
               Time:               11:00               AM               to               2:00               PM               
               Where:               Holiday               Inn               -               Decatur               Conference               Plaza,               130               Clairmont               Avenue,               Decatur,               GA               30030               
               Website:               Atlanta.LocalHires.com
               Hosted               by               LocalHires.com,               a               number               of               different               employers               will               be               represented               including               Aflac,               Atlas               Merchant               Services,               Devry,               Hercules               Real               Estate               Services,               IE               Security,               Northrop               Grumman,               Northwestern               Mutual               (Goodwin               Wright),               Robin's               Resumes,               Scotts               Lawn               Service,               Standard               Office               Systems,               Straight               A's               Home               Preservation,               T-Cellular,               Inc.,               The               Art               Institute,               Titlemasters,               and               Walden               University.
               Atlanta               Career               Fair               
               When:               Tuesday,               March               15,               2011               
               Time:               10:00               AM               to               2:00               PM               
               Where:               Dave               &               Buster's,               2215               D&B               Drive,               Marietta               GA               30067               
               Website:               Atlanta.Employmentguide.com
               Hosted               by               EmploymentGuide.com,               it               is               recommended               that               you               pre-register               online               prior               to               the               job               fair               to               save               time               and               to               reserve               your               space.
               Women               For               Hire               Career               Expo               
               When:               Thursday,               April               14,               2011               
               Time:               10:00               AM               to               2:00               PM               
               Where:               Cobb               Galleria,               Two               Galleria               Parkway,               Atlanta,               GA               30339               
               Website:               WomenForHire.com
               This               free               four-hour               career               expo               provides               women               an               opportunity               to               meet               with               leading               employers               around               the               Atlanta               area.

In               addition               to               the               job               fair,               there               are               some               helpful               seminars               presented               including               an               early               morning               seminar               (this               does               require               pre-registration               and               payment               of               $10),               their               'Mentor               Match               Program'               where               you               get               the               opportunity               to               speak               with               seasoned               professionals               for               a               'mini'               mentoring               meeting,               and               their               'Perfect               Pitch               Program'               where               your               can               work               on               making               a               winning               first               impression.
               Resumes               and               business               attire               are               required.

Registration               is               on-site               and               parking               is               free               at               the               Cobb               Galleria.
               Atlanta               Diversity               &               Professional               Career               Fair               
               When:               Tuesday,               June               14,               2011,               Wednesday,               September               14,               2011,               Thursday,               November               17,               2011               
               Time:               10:00               AM               to               2:00               PM               
               Where:               Cobb               Galleria,               Two               Galleria               Parkway,               Atlanta,               GA               30339               
               Website:               DiversityHiringExpos.com
               Hosted               by               DiversityHiringExpos.com,               this               well-established               job               fair               will               be               holding               three               job               fairs               in               Atlanta               during               2011.

Celebrating               its               50               th               Atlanta               job               fair               in               June               2011,               a               variety               of               employers               including               Fortune               100               and               500               companies,               local               businesses,               government               agencies,               and               non-profit               organizations               will               be               represented.
               Professional-level               positions               being               recruited               at               this               job               fair               include               Sales,               Healthcare,               Banking,               Accounting,               Finance,               Technology,               Human               Resources,               Logistics,               Distribution,               Customer               Service,               Engineering,               Restaurants,               Law               Enforcement,               Education,               I/T,               Defense               Subcontracting,               Collections               and               more.

All               job               fair               attendees               are               recommended               to               bring               20-40               resumes.

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