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레이블이 California Association of College Stores인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'the campus store'|Someone Impaled The Duke Mascot’s Head On A Stake Above UNC’s Campus Store

About 'the campus store'|Someone Impaled The Duke Mascot’s Head On A Stake Above UNC’s Campus Store

Blacksburg,               Virginia               is               a               quiet,               idyllic               town               in               Southwestern               Virginia.

It               is               the               sort               of               place               where               people               leave               their               cars               (and               often               their               homes)               unlocked,               where               neighbors               can               be               counted               on               to               run               into               one               another               at               the               grocery               store,               and               where               rush               hour               constitutes               more               than               ten               cars               in               the               four               or               five               block               downtown               area.

While               large               scale               violence               anywhere               is               stunning,               a               shooting               which               kills               at               least               22               people               is               unheard               of               in               a               town               like               Blacksburg,               Virginia.

To               have               woken               up               to               any               sort               of               disturbance               on               their               campus,               let               alone               something               of               this               magnitude,               must               have               been               a               horrible               shock               for               Virginia               Tech               students.

Violence               is               rare               on               this               campus,               with               the               exception               of               the               escaped               inmate               situation               in               2006,               which               ended               with               one               Blacksburg               deputy               dead.
               However,               Virginia               Tech               has               apparently               been               on               high               alert               for               some               time               now,               after               a               bomb               threat               on               April               2               and               another               on               April               13.
               West               Ambler               Johnston,               where               the               first               shooting               this               morning               at               approximately               7:15am               EST               occurred,               is               a               large               residence               hall               housing               mostly               freshmen.

The               hallways               of               West               AJ,               as               it               is               popularly               called,               can               be               confusing               due               to               the               building's               shape,               particularly               for               those               who               are               not               familiar               with               the               building's               layout               for               whatever               reason.

The               building               is               four               stories               tall,               and               surrounded               by               sidewalks               on               virtually               all               sides.

These               factors               combined               must               have               made               the               situation               all               the               more               terrifying               for               students               and,               no               doubt,               spelled               disaster               for               those               who               apparently               panicked               and               jumped               out               their               windows.
               Norris               Hall,               on               the               opposite               side               of               campus               and               the               site               of               the               second,               more               deadly               shooting               is               predominantly               used               for               engineering               courses.

It               is               very               near               the               main               administration               building               (Burruss               Hall)               and               in               the               center               of               campus.

As               the               cell               phone               footage               released               from               one               student               suggests,               accessing               the               building               from               the               front               is               difficult               and               must               be               done               on               sidewalks               rather               than               roads.

The               fact               that               police               vehicles               had               to               drive               on               sidewalks               and               potentially               grass               (due               to               steps)               must               have               slowed               response               time               slightly,               adding               another               element               of               difficulty               to               an               already               nearly               impossible               situation.
               While               not               the               largest               school               disaster               in               U.S.

history               (an               explosion               at               a               Bath               Michigan               school               killed               45               in               1927),               this               shooting               is               one               of               the               largest               purposeful               violent               acts               and               certainly               brings               to               mind               the               high               school               shootings               at               Columbine.

At               a               school               as               large               as               Virginia               Tech,               with               over               28,000               full               time               students,               it               is               easy               for               students               experiencing               trauma               or               tragedy               to               be               overlooked               and               get               "lost               in               the               crowd."               Perhaps               the               one               thing               that               we               can               hope               to               gain               out               of               this               horrible               tragedy               is               a               better               awareness               of               the               signs               of               mental               illness               and               a               willingness               to               reach               out               to               others.
               Meanwhile,               for               the               residents               of               a               sleepy               little               town               in               Virginia,               the               healing               process               will               be               a               long,               hard               one               as               they               struggle               to               make               sense               of               today's               events.

Image of the campus store

the campus store
the campus store

the campus store Image 1

the campus store
the campus store

the campus store Image 2

the campus store
the campus store

the campus store Image 3

the campus store
the campus store

the campus store Image 4

the campus store
the campus store

the campus store Image 5

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