2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'buy college degree online'|Obtaining an Online College Degree

About 'buy college degree online'|Obtaining an Online College Degree

After               four               and               a               half               years               of               college,               and               being               graduated               for               two               years               I               have               had               a               lot               of               time               to               reflect.

I'd               always               convince               myself               as               to               why               I               didn't               need               to               study               or               why               my               grades               didn't               matter               in               college               as               much               as               they               did               in               high               school.

And               now               as               I               matured               and               am               paying               off               my               student               loan               debt,               there               are               a               lot               of               things               I               wish               I               had               done               differently               with               the               time               and               money               I               spent               on               college.

So               here               are               a               few               things               to               keep               in               mind               for               those               to               soon               be               entering               college,               or               are               currently               enrolled.

Don't               Stay               Up               So               Late
When               you               begin               college,               you               are               on               your               own               for               possibly               the               first               time.

There               is               a               lot               of               temptation               to               stay               up               late               because               you               don't               have               your               parents               telling               you               to               go               to               bed               like               you               perhaps               did               in               High               School.

Well,               it               was               good               advice               to               live               by.

There               are               a               couple               reasons               for               this.

Not               only               may               you               not               be               as               focused               on               your               tests               or               lectures,               but               when               your               alarm               clock               goes               off               and               you're               only               on               four               hours               of               sleep               you               may               lay               there               and               convince               yourself               why               you               may               not               need               to               go               to               that               class.

Skipping               class               doesn't               seem               like               such               a               bad               idea               when               you               are               exhausted               and               you               know               there               isn't               a               test               coming               up.

But               every               class               you               miss,               no               matter               the               length               or               content               of               the               class,               you               really               are               missing               out               on               more               then               it               may               seem.

So               avoid               letting               your               tired               body               to               convince               you               to               skip.

You'll               be               paying               for               it               later.

From               experience               I               use               to               stay               up               until               sometimes               4am               or               5am,               on               the               internet               or               playing               an               online               game.

Once               10am               or               even               as               far               as               noon               classes               rolled               around,               I               would               check               my               syllabus               and               see               if               it               was               crucial               to               go.

I               would               often               convince               myself               I               would               "be               okay"               to               skip.

               Attend               Class               
               Everyone               deserves               a               break               from               time               to               time,               but               if               you               let               this               get               out               of               hand               your               grades               will               slip.

Professors               have               little               to               no               pity               on               a               student               they               don't               recognize.

If               they               never               see               you               in               class               and               you're               struggling               on               assignments               or               tests               they               will               Fail               you               without               looking               back.

However,               if               you               have               great               attendance               and               you               just               can't               seem               to               make               the               grade,               sometimes               if               you               talk               to               them               they'll               at               least               let               you               pass.

Of               course               you'll               want               a               good               grade,               but               it's               better               than               failing               completely!

But               for               those               of               you               who               only               show               up               for               tests,               you               are               playing               with               fire.
               Some               teachers               give               no               penalty               to               those               that               miss               class.

Other               teachers               knock               your               grade               down               for               each               absence,               or               give               points               for               when               you               show               up.

Whatever               the               case               may               be,               missing               class               is               more               than               just               missing               material               out               of               the               book               you               may               be               going               over.

You               are               missing               out               on               knowing               about               possible               exam               date               changes,               assignment               deadline               changes,               or               material               only               covered               during               lectures.

It               really               doesn't               matter               what               your               syllabus               says               you're               going               to               be               doing.

It               can               easily               change.
               Do               It               Because               YOU               Want               T               
               It's               hard               to               go               to               class               or               even               be               motivated               to               study               if               you               don't               want               to               be               there.

Don't               go               to               college               just               because               everyone               is               talking               about               it,               or               you're               being               pressured               into               it.

If               you               do,               you               may               end               up               in               debt,               with               Failed               classes               on               your               transcript,               and               a               college               drop               out.
               College               can               get               really               tough               at               times,               especially               when               your               friends               want               to               hang               out               late               at               night               or               when               you               have               an               annoying               roommate.

It'll               only               be               more               difficult               to               make               it               to               class               on               top               of               everything               else,               if               you               just               don't               even               have               a               motivation               to               be               there.
               This               isn't               for               the               college               students               who               just               don't               know               what               to               major               in.

This               is               for               the               people               who               just               absolutely               resent               college               and               don't               find               any               reason               to               have               any               major.
               Get               a               Part               Time               Job               
               Many               people               have               to               take               out               loans               just               to               go               to               school               and               live               there.

Those               loans               are               thousands               and               thousands               of               dollars.

And               how               nice               would               it               be               to               chop               these               loans               down               while               being               in               college?

I               don't               think               the               job               should               go               before               your               education,               but               something               to               help               you               buy               books,               pay               for               rent,               or               food               will               help               a               lot.

You               may               still               have               to               take               out               a               loan,               but               it'll               help               a               lot               more               than               you               may               realize.
               Some               of               my               friends               now               are               paying               for               college               as               they               go               almost               completely               just               due               to               a               good               part               time               job.

This               is               something               I               wish               I               had               done.

I               never               worked               and               as               a               result               I               had               tons               of               free               time               I               ended               up               using               not               very               wisely.

Paying               for               college               as               you               go               can               also               give               you               a               sense               of               motivation               to               get               good               grades.

Loan               money               is               money               you               never               earned               or               "seen"               besides               numbers               on               paper               and               can               give               you               the               illusion               you're               not               spending               it.

But               years               later               when               you               have               to               pay               for               those               loans,               it'll               hit               you               hard.

And               it'll               make               you               wish               you               had               more               motivation.

Paying               for               school               as               you               go               can               give               you               that               motivation               you               need.
               Also,               having               a               job               while               in               college               will               fill               that               resume               gap.

Why               go               four               years               during               your               young               adulthood,               jobless?

Employers               look               for               a               lot               more               than               just               whether               or               not               you               got               a               college               degree.

They               want               to               see               what               kind               of               experience               you               have.

Whether               you're               working               as               a               server,               at               the               school's               library               or               print               shop,               stocking               shelves               at               a               grocery               store,               or               a               clerk               at               a               movie               rental               store               you               will               have               experience               of               some               kind               on               your               resume.

You               will               also               make               more               contacts               this               way               and               have               people               to               use               as               references               in               the               future.
               Get               Good               Grades               Even               If               You               Think               You               Won't               Continue               Your               Education               
               Ever               hear               the               saying,               "Cs               get               degrees?"               Well,               they               can.

You               can               blow               through               college               with               mediocre               grades               and               perhaps               get               a               pretty               good               job.

I               figured               that               once               I               graduated               college               and               got               my               Bachelor's               degree               I               would               be               done.

Two               years               later               after               graduation               and               now               I               am               considering               my               Master's.

However,               to               get               accepted               into               the               program               it               is               good               to               have               better               grades.

There               are               other               factors               that               will               get               you               into               the               program,               but               your               grades               help.
               Some               professions               even               want               to               know               about               your               college               GPA.
               You               never               know               what               your               needs               career               wise               will               be,               so               the               safest               bet               is               to               just               work               hard               to               get               a               higher               GPA.

And               why               go               to               college,               spend               all               that               money,               and               not               get               anything               out               of               it               anyway?
               Get               To               Know               Your               Professors               
               They               can               help               you               with               contacts               and               finding               jobs.

Or,               if               you               are               wanting               to               apply               to               get               into               the               Master's               program,               they               can               write               letters               of               recommendation               for               you.
               While               you               are               in               college,               you               can               get               a               lot               of               help               if               you               talk               to               professors               more               and               they               get               to               know               you.

College               should               be               more               than               just               showing               up               for               class               and               leaving               after               class.
               This               is               your               time               to               get               your               career               on               track.

And               following               these               simple               rules               can               keep               you               there.

They               may               seem               like               pretty               simple               rules               to               follow,               but               I               wish               I               would've               known               all               this               back               when               I               was               in               college.

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    About 'devry campuses'|Hi Gals, Join me tonight at 6pm at DeVry

    About 'devry campuses'|Hi Gals, Join me tonight at 6pm at DeVry

    California               is               plentiful               when               it               comes               to               choosing               a               college.

    They               are               many               community,               private,               and               university               type               campuses.

    You               as               a               student               need               to               figure               out               what               it               is               you're               looking               for               when               furthering               your               studies.

    Tech               schools               tend               to               lean               towards               focusing               solely               on               your               career               goal,               while               a               university               will               educate               you               in               many               topics               to               better               you               for               a               multitude               of               tasks               in               the               work               force.

    Do               your               research!

    Call               schools               and               set               up               a               tour,               look               at               what               they               have               to               offer               you               and               how               you               will               benefit               from               it.

    California               Institute               of               the               Arts               (CALARTS)               -               This               College               specializes               towards               those               who               are               interested               in               pursuing               a               career               in               the               Arts.

    They               have               a               variety               of               programs               to               choose               from               such               as               Art,               Dance,               Music,               Theater               and               more!
                   They               offer               a               variety               of               options               aimed               to               ensuring               the               comfort               of               their               students               including               on               campus               and               off               campus               housing.
                   The               college               is               known               for               being               the               nation's               first               art               institute               to               offer               BFAs               and               MFA's               both               in               the               performing               and               visual               arts.
                   Being               only               30               minutes               from               downtown               Los               Angeles               you               are               sure               to               find               great               entertainment               and               activities               outside               of               your               school               life.
                   For               more               information,               please               feel               free               to               contact               this               college               directly               at:               
                   24700               McBean               Parkway               
                   Valencia,               California               91355               
                   University               of               California               (UC)               -               Offering               many               locations               for               their               campuses,               it               is               a               convenient               choice               for               those               scattered               across               the               state.

    It               is               also               a               great               choice               for               those               who               tend               to               relocate               often.
                   If               you               are               indecisive               for               which               category               you               are               looking               to               further               educate               yourself               in,               or               even               those               who               enjoy               taking               more               than               one               course               as               their               major               or               minor;               this               university               offers               a               multitude               of               options.

    They               are               known               for               being               a               college               with               one               of               the               broadest               ranges               of               study               in               the               world!
                   For               all               questions               and               inquiries,               or               if               you               are               interested               in               submitting               an               application               to               this               university,               please               contact:               ucinfo@ucapplication.net
                   California               Culinary               Academy               (CCA)               -               Located               right               in               the               heart               of               San               Francisco's               bay               area,               you               can               expect               to               be               surrounded               with               many               restaurants               and               hotels.

    This               means               great               inspirations               and               also               -               job               opportunities!
                   All               of               their               instructors               are               first-rate,               this               way               you               can               feel               confident               with               your               training.

    They               feature               the               Le               Cordon               Bleu               program               so               you               know               that               you'll               be               getting               a               top               culinary               education.
                   For               questions               and               inquiries               please               contact:               
                   350               Rhode               Island               Street               
                   San               Francisco,               CA               94103               
                   California               Baptist               University               (CBU)               -               This               is               an               ideal               Baptist               college               for               those               who               want               the               assurance               of               being               taught               by               teachers               who               share               in               their               faith.

    All               faculty               and               staff               are               of               Christian               religion.
                   Their               on               campus               housing               options               are               remodeled               to               make               you               feel               as               if               you               were               home.

    They               have               dorms               or               newly               furnished               apartments               for               your               convenience.

    They               claim               their               own               personal               café               offers               the               best               food               in               town!

    This               will               greatly               help               when               it               comes               to               saving               time               on               a               commute               to               a               fast               food               restaurant.
                   For               more               information,               or               to               apply               please               contact:               
                   8432               Magnolia               Avenue               
                   Riverside,               CA               92504               
                   California               Institute               of               Technology               (CALTECH)-               Calling               those               who               love               science               and               technology.

    This               school               specializes               in               teaching               you               just               what               you               are               interested               in               when               it               comes               to               pursuing               a               specific               tech               career.
                   From               computer               science               to               aeronautics,               you'll               find               a               multitude               of               options               when               it               comes               to               pursuing               a               further               education               at               CALTECH.
                   To               schedule               a               tour,               or               to               apply               please               contact:               
                   California               Institute               of               Technology               
                   Office               of               Undergraduate               Admissions               
                   Mail               Code               1-94               
                   Pasadena,               CA               91125               
                   Charles               Drew               University               of               Medicine               and               Science               (CDU)-               This               University               campus               offers               many               great               amenities               such               as               an               elementary               school,               day               care,               high               school,               biomedical               library,               and               housing               for               students.

    It               is               an               innovative               method               which               can               encourage               parents               to               begin               their               children               in               the               campus               day               care,               and               work               their               way               up               into               attending               the               university               once               grown.

    How               convenient               is               that               -               being               able               to               attend               all               of               your               schooling               on               a               single               campus!
                   The               university               offers               two               great               programs:               College               of               Medicine               and               College               of               Science               and               Health.

    Each               program               offers               a               wide               variety               to               pursue               your               education.
                   For               more               information               please               contact:               
                   1731               East               120th               Street               
                   Los               Angeles,               CA               90059               
                   DeVry               University               (DVU)               -               If               you're               looking               to               avoid               added               curriculum               and               wanting               to               focus               solely               on               your               career               goal,               than               this               is               a               good               option               for               you.

    With               90.2%               of               the               universities               graduates               becoming               employed               in               their               field               of               education               within               6               months,               the               chances               are               high               if               you               are               motivated               and               wanting               to               jump               into               the               work               force               shortly               after               schooling.
                   They               offer               a               variety               of               programs               from               Associates               up               to               Masters.

    With               over               80               locations               across               the               U.S.

    it               is               very               convenient               for               those               who               don't               want               to               commit               to               being               stuck               into               one               single               city               for               the               duration               of               their               education               or               risk               losing               credits.

    Many               locations               are               scattered               across               the               California               area               for               more               flexibility               while               still               remaining               within               the               state.
                   For               more               information               or               to               apply               please               contact:               
                   Administrative               Offices               
                   One               Tower               Lane               
                   Oakbrook               Terrace,               IL               60181               
                   Dominican               University               of               California-               This               is               a               university               which               revolves               around               Catholic               heritage.

    The               school               offers               a               large               variety               of               programs               from               arts               and               sciences,               business               and               leadership,               special               programs               and               much               more!
                   The               school               offers               many               options               for               clubs               and               organizations               for               your               social               desires.

    There               will               be               many               opportunities               to               meet               great               new               friends               while               having               a               lot               of               fun!

    The               campus               features               living               quarters,               a               dining               hall,               and               recreation               center!
                   For               more               information,               please               contact:               
                   50               Acacia               Avenue               
                   San               Rafael,               CA               94901               
                   The               National               Hispanic               University               (NHU)-               This               University               revolves               around               giving               Hispanics               as               well               as               other               minorities               to               feel               accepted               and               welcome               while               furthering               their               education.
                   They               have               many               choices               when               it               comes               to               academic               programs               and               faculty               members               are               standing               by               to               help               with               any               assistance               you               may               need               when               it               comes               to               making               a               decision.
                   For               more               information               or               to               apply               please               contact:               
                   14271               Story               Road               
                   San               Jose,               CA               95127               
                   New               School               of               Architecture               &               Design               (NSAD)               -               If               you               are               interested               in               becoming               educated               in               the               field               of               Architecture,               than               this               is               a               great               place               to               begin               working               towards               a               fulfilling               career.
                   Located               in               a               convenient               area               of               San               Diego,               you               will               find               many               great               things               to               do               and               local               facilities               such               as               restaurants,               night               life,               and               other               various               forms               of               entertainment               nearby.
                   To               begin               building               your               career               as               an               Architecture               professional,               please               contact:               
                   1249               F               Street               
                   San               Diego,               CA               92101               

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      The Decatur City Commission voted 5-0 at annex the old DeVry campus (21 acres) and the Comcast tower property into Decatur. (Comcast was not ...
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